Monday, November 30, 2009

New Webisode posted!

Hey Gang, we just posted the 4th webisode from season 2--about Dr. Guy Harvey's research on stingrays at Stingray City, Grand Cayman. You can read about the shoot in our BLOG entry from back in May. Hope you enjoy the new segment!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The new DVDs are here!!

Finally, after almost 2 years of production, months of editing and design, and another month of pressing--the season 2 DVDs are here!! We are now shipping all the pre-orders that have come in and we are extending our pre-order price as a pre-holiday discount until Dec. 15. You can get a huge stack of season 2 DVDs for holiday gifts for a great price! CHECK IT OUT!

The DVD is a two disc set containing all 7 half hour shows from season 2, plus a bonus feature ("Sharks: Predators with a Purpose" an award-winning short film about the need to protect sharks, produced by Oceanic Research Group). Also included is a great coupon for significant savings from Ian's Natural Foods, our major sponsor! So get some DVDs today and spread the fun!!


Friday, November 13, 2009

JBBW returns from Raja Ampat, Indonesia!

Hey Everyone,
I'm in Singapore on my way back from an exciting trip to Raja Ampat, Indonesia filming for season 3. This remote area in eastern Indonesia takes about 3 days to reach from the USA but has the most spectacular coral reefs in the world. Pierre and I were filming a rare "walking" cat shark and Tasselled Wobbegong sharks for a segment on bottom-dwelling sharks. Also, we shot tiny pygmy seahorses (only the size of a fingernail) for a segment on seahorses.

The reefs were amazing and the trip was spectacularly fun, but I'm looking forward to getting home. I have been away a lot and I'm looking forward to a nice quiet holiday season at home!

More news to come soon....
